Creative Clincal and Consultancy Supervision and Student Support

What is Supervision?

I offer creative and consultancy supervision to students, counsellors, psychotherapists, social workers and managers and other professionals across different sectors.

I personally find supervision incredibly valuable. It helps me improve my clinical thinking, practical skills, work with unfamiliar client issues, identify blind spots, and share thoughts on new techniques. But it's not just about me - as a supervisor, my aim is to provide a healthy challenge that encourages my supervisees' development, helping them build their confidence and trust in themselves and what they bring to each session with their clients. Supervision is an essential part of ensuring the safety of clients and creating a ‘safe enough’ environment for supervisees to grow and learn about themselves as professional psychotherapists and counsellors.

Creative supervision facilitates the use of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain, it can offer the opportunity for deeper insights into the unconscious processes of both the therapist and the client and to identify different parts of the therapist and the clients are at play and what impact that has on them individually and in the relationship. It empowers the therapist to tap into their own wisdom as well as hearing mine!

So, if you're a mental health professional, don't be afraid to seek out creative clinical supervision – it's a valuable resource for improving your practice and providing the best possible care for your clients.

Please contact me for more details about Supervision, Student Support, or Consultancy.

Student Support

Sometimes, when you are training, it can seem like life is just a series of assignment deadlines. After submitting one assignment, there is little to no time to let your body and mind rest and recover before you launch into the next one. In my recent role as a university lecturer, I worked closely with counselling and psychotherapy students in a supportive capacity, marking assignments, observing skills sessions, practical skills tests, Viva’s and running group supervision sessions.

Many of the students I work with are struggling to find out who they are as a therapist? What theories resonate with them and their values? What theories or methods will best help them understand their clients and support them? How can I bring this together in a coherent form?

If I am trying to find a recording for a case study, what do I need to look for? What did I do well? How can this help me to be a better therapist? What did I miss? How can I frame this differently now using what I have learned throughout this process?

I can provide support to students to bring together theory and practice which can be particularly helpful for Viva’s. I have supported people studying on arts psychotherapy courses, talking therapy diplomas and MA’s and students on child psychotherapy courses.

The support I can provide can take place in person or online and students can access a one off session of support or a series of sessions, whatever is needed.

For more details about Supervision or Student Support, please contact me and I’ll be happy to answer any questions.

© Natalie Kennedy

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